Saturday, May 2, 2015


On May 26th, at 20:30, TUSCAN ENGLISH ACADEMY and CINEMA ARSENALE will once again join forces to present a 'ENGLISH MOVIE HAPPY HOUR' after the 18:20 English screening of the beautiful fairy tale 'INTO THE WOODS' featuring Meryl Streep, the music of Steven Sondheim and Directed by Rob Marshall.

This film is a perfect film to explore many unusual English phrases and expressions while discussing the true nature and purpose of myth and fairy tale!

You can find more information about the film on

You can watch the trailer here:


BREAKING NEWS: New cinema-related English courses from TUSCAN ENGLISH ACADEMY will be coming to CINEMA ARSENALE in Fall 2105!!!

Stay tuned for more details!!!

 'English Movie Happy Hour' in the Pisan Newspaper, 'Il Tirreno':


Here are the English Program Notes;

'ENGLISH MOVIE HAPPY HOUR' - A new cultural meeting point for Pisa’s English-speaking community.

TUSCAN ENGLISH ACADEMY, in line with its philosophy of ‘Impara l’inglese attraverso le tue passioni ('Learn English through your passions'), has teamed up with CINEMA ARSENALE to create a new series of cinematic events in English that aim to bring together Pisa’s unique international community of students, professors, travelers and English-loving locals.

CINEMA  ARSENALE has long hosted quality English films in their original language and now they will start following some of these screenings with a new ‘ENGLISH MOVIE HAPPY HOUR’ – the perfect opportunity to practice your English while sharing your impressions and interpretations with film-lovers from around the world!
When cinema is at its best, its impressions linger with us long after the credits roll and the lights come up and we are excited about providing a platform where film-lovers from around the world can meet and exchange their impressions and perspectives, all in the warm, informal atmosphere of a traditional Happy Hour.

Prof. Shemtov, founder of TUSCAN ENGLISH ACADEMY, will be on hand to offer some linguistic support for English speakers of all levels, as well as provide some background and insight into many of the film’s unusual phrases and terminology.

We look forward to welcoming you to our second  ‘ENGLISH MOVIE HAPPY HOUR' and we hope to be able to provide you with many more exciting programs in the future! 

Here are the notes in Italian from CINEMA ARSENALE's May 2015 program:

(The entire program can be found here):

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