Monday, April 11, 2016

NEW: Full-Immersion Weekend with Shakespeare in London – 24-26.06.2016!

‘LUCCA LOVES SHAKESPEARE’ – A year-long celebration for all ages and walks of life!

In honor of the 400-year anniversary of Shakespeare’s passing, Teatro del Giglio and Tuscan English Academy are proud to join the international community with a wide series of events throughout 2016 featuring:
* Theater Workshops * Performances, * English Courses, * Aperitivos and Disussions, * Film Projections, * Culinary Celebrations, and More!

Stiamo organizzando in collaborazione con il Teatro del Giglio di Lucca un viaggio di gruppo a Londra per un weekend di full-immersion con focus sul Globe Theatre di Shakespeare e lo spettacolo ‘The Taming of the Shrew.’

Saremo accompagnati da 3 insegnanti madre-lingua provenienti da Us e UK e avremo un intero weekend in Inglese di cultura e divertimento.

Gli spazi disponibili sono limitati quindi stay tuned!

We’re going to The Globe in London

June 24-26!


We are organizing, in collaboration with Teatro del Giglio, a group trip to London for a full-immersion weekend focusing on Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and their performance of ‘The Taming of the Shrew.’

We will be accompanied by 3 mother-tongue instructors from the US and UK and will have a full weekend of English fun and culture.

Spaces are very limited so please stay tuned!


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